Jul 30, 2020 | Data Core, Data Science
UD students help middle schoolers learn computer engineering through Project WiCCED’s Data Core Andy Novocin  About 60 local middle schoolers are putting their socially distant time to good use, thanks to a virtual coding and cybersecurity summer camp hosted by...
Jun 2, 2020 | Data Science, Social Dimensions, Student Research, University of Delaware
Congratulations to CEAE and APEC Project WiCCED student, Liam Vita who has been woking on Social Dimensions, S1-Behavior, and the Data Core. Liam received UD’s High Index Senior. Click link to learn more:...
May 8, 2020 | Data Science, University of Delaware
University of Delaware and Project WiCCED data scientist Jing Gao is fascinated by the ways that cities and towns grow over time. This concept is known as urbanization. To learn more, click link here.