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Project WiCCED Events

Accessing Google Team Drive

For Project WiCCED Participants Only. If you do not have access, please email Amy Slocum ( or Maddi Valinski ( with the account you would like to use for access to the Google Team Drive. You must be logged into your account that is a member of the Project WiCCED Google Group and receives messages from to access the files in the Project WiCCED Team Drive. 

Direct link:

Instructions to access manually:

  1. Visit Log into your account that is a member of the Project WiCCED Google Group (
  2. Click “Team Drives” on the left side of the page. 
  3. Select “WiCCED Project” as the file folder to open. 

Standard Operating Procedures

Research Misconduct Policy: Project WiCCED will follow NSF’s Research Misconduct policy, found at: 
Sexual Harassment Policy: Project WiCCED does not tolerate sexual harassment or any kind of harassment. We recommend following the “Promising Practices” of NSF, found at: Additionally, we will follow the sexual harassment policies of each institution involved in the project, linked below.
Authorship Protocols: Prior to starting a project with peer-reviewed publication(s), we recommend Project WiCCED team members agree upon an authorship protocol in advance. Information about Authorship Protocols are detailed on the Resources page of the Project WiCCED website. 
Diversity Policy: Project WiCCED is dedicated to supporting and celebrating diversity. To assist with this, we have developed the Project WiCCED Diversity Plan. Additional resources to assist with diversity are available in the Project WiCCED Shared Google Drive, under the “Diversity Plan and Recruitment Strategies” page.

Authorship Protocols

In an effort to assist Project WiCCED team members with authorship considerations, we have developed the helpful list below for authorship protocols:

  1. Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
  2. Authorship Protocols – Vancouver rules
  3. Authorship-recommendations

Mentoring Resources

In an interest to help guide mentoring for Project WiCCED, we are providing a number of resources/examples for team members to consider.

  1. Hanson Lab Statement of Rights
  2. CEAE Mentoring Guidelines – Example

Team Science

Team Science and Stakeholder Engagement Resources – Silka and Hart June 2019

A. Team Science, Interdisciplinarity, and Collaboration

  1. Collaboration and Team Science Field Guide:
  2. Team Science Toolkit:
  3. Interdisciplinary Research Journeys – Practical Strategies for Capturing Creativity: [Note: you can download all the chapters for free]
  4. SciTS and Team Science Resources:
  5. Toolkit Dialogue Initiative:
  6. Enhancing the Effectiveness of Team Science, National Academies Report, April 2015:

B. Transdisciplinary Research, including Stakeholder Engagement and Co-Production

  1. Network for Transdisciplinary Research:
  2. Integration and Implementation Science:
  3. Interdisciplinary Integration Research Careers Hub:
  4. Doing science differently: Co-producing conservation outcomes:
  5. Linking knowledge with action for sustainable development:

C. Connecting all the Dots

  1. Crafting usable knowledge for sustainable development: 


D. Issues and Dilemmas in Stakeholder Researcher Partnerships

Grant Development and Red Team Review Support

In an effort to catalyze new research as a part of Delaware EPSCoR and Project WiCCED, red team reviews and grant development support will be offered to researchers in Delaware engaged with Project WiCCED. 

Funding support will be provided for the following activities related to grant development: 

  • Writing retreats (travel to/from meetings, lunch, etc.)
  • Full “red team reviews” 
  • Copy editing services
  • Graphic design services
  • Grant writer

Priority will be given to projects that meet at least one of the following criteria: 

  • Big, interdisciplinary projects
  • Bring together researchers from multiple institutions within the project
  • Bring together new, multi-disciplinary teams
  • Are related to issues surrounding water security in the state of Delaware and further the Project WiCCED and Delaware EPSCoR mission

To apply for funding support, please send Maddi Valinski ( an email with the following information:

  1. Proposed project title
  2. Draft abstract of the grant
  3. Approximate total budget (if awarded)
  4. Name(s) and affiliations of collaborators
  5. Name of funding opportunity and link to RFP (if applicable)
  6. Grant due date
  7. Type of submission (1st submission, resubmission, letter of intent, etc.)
  8. Amount of support requested and what these funds will be used for

All efforts will be made to respond to requests for funds within 1 week. 

Click here to download this handout.

Interested in Project WiCCED?

Thank you for your interest in Project WiCCED. If you’d like more information or interested in joining our team of researchers, please let us know! 
We look forward to hearing from you.